What food lengthens hair and promotes their health?

 What is the food that lengthens hair?

Protein-rich foods 

What food lengthens hair and promotes their health?

Protein is the main component of hair, and the most important nutrient for its health, and its intake has a great impact on it, according to Nutritionist Priya Teo, and keratin is the main responsible for its strength and elasticity, and protein deficiency may affect hair growth, so it is preferable to eat foods that contain protein in a large way, such as tender steaks, salmon, omelet, grilled chicken breast, soy protein.

Beans and legumes can also be eaten with starchy foods such as wheat, rice, and corn; to get a wide range of amino acids necessary for keratin production and hair health, according to Nutritionist Priya Teo, it is recommended to make sure that if you do not eat meat, you eat a large number of different protein sources to meet your need for amino acids.

Foods rich in iron 

Iron is an important element for hair, so it is recommended to eat foods rich in iron, because an iron deficiency in the body may cause hair loss, and foods that contain iron include: dark green vegetables such as kale and spinach, egg yolks, liver, and red meat, fatty fish, and breakfast cereals.

Foods containing omega-3 

Healthy omega-3 fatty acids help promote hair growth and shine, and the body cannot synthesize these healthy fats, and they can be obtained by eating multiple foods, such as fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, tuna, herring, nuts, and seeds such as flaxseed 

Foods containing biotin 

Biotin or water-soluble vitamin B, also known as vitamin E, helps strengthen keratin in the hair and also helps reduce hair loss caused by autoimmune disease when consumed with zinc, so it is preferable to eat foods that contain it, such as cheese, yogurt, liver, chicken, avocado, eggs, sunflower seeds; as biotin helps accelerate hair growth.

 Greek yogurt 

Greek yogurt is rich in protein, helps increase blood flow to the scalp, increases hair growth, and it contains vitamin B5, which is called pantothenic acid, which helps to stop thinning and hair loss.

Foods to promote hair health 

Among the foods that help promote hair health are the following: 

Sweet potatoes:

Potatoes have the antioxidant carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A, and it helps prevent dry and dull hair and enhance the production of sebum, which is why it is recommended to eat vegetables and fruits that contain beta-carotene, such as carrots, apricots, asparagus, mango, kale, broccoli.


Guava is rich in vitamin C, which helps prevent hair breakage, as one cup of guava contains 377 milligrams of vitamin C.

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